Must be 9 digits. Currently Entered: 0 digits.
Year Level *
BEng Calendar Reminder
You follow the Academic Calendar of the year that you began your declared engineering major.
For example, if you entered York University in the 2017 - 2018 academic year and declared your program as Software Engineering, you would then follow the 2018 - 2019 Academic Calendar for Software Engineering.
BSc & BA Calendar Reminder
You follow the Academic Calendar of the year that you began your program at York University.
For example, if you started your program in the 2017 - 2018 academic year, then you would always follow the 2017 - 2018 Academic Calendar for your program and degree.
Have You Applied to Graduate? *
If you are in your final session of study and have applied to graduate, the Registrar's Office will complete your degree audit. An informal degree review is not necessary.
In your final academic session, you must apply to graduate. An informal degree review is not necessary if you have already applied to graduate.
Please enter a month and year, e.g. June 2023
You must first prepare your own self-audit. Please see instructions above. If you are just uploading a copy of your DPR or a copy of your grade report, this is not a self-audit and we may not respond to your request.
NOTE: An approved course substitute will only be coded into your DPR if the approved course substitute has a PASSING GRADE already on record. If the course is in-progress, cancel your submission and re-submit AFTER you have received a PASSING GRADE.
Did you take an equivalent course at York? *
Do you have transfer credit(s) for these courses? *